BTI Ranks #6 Among Other State Investment Pools for 2018 Performance

The WV Board of Treasury Investments ranked # 6 in the Nation for calendar year 2018 for the WV Money Market Pool performance. This was reported by the TRACS Financial Public Interest Report that monitors performance and returns for State’s money market pools. Most of these pools are AAAm rated by Standard & Poor’s with similar guidelines and requirements. The BTI tied the annual return of 2.02% (Calendar Year 2018) with other State funds including the Florida FLSAFE, Texas Lone Star Corp. Overnight, and California PFM Asset Management Program. Kara Hughes stated “the high yields were attributable to not only the four FED rate hikes last year, but also the seasoned skills of our Investment managers, and staff implementing an Investment Policy that ensures both safety and maximization of return.” The BTI’s returns continue to trend upward, with the WV Money Market Pool’s return now yielding above the top end of the current Fed’s rate range of 2.50%.

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