Daily Rates

March 14, 2019

West Virginia Money Market Pool
Daily Simple Money Market Yield 0.2008%
Daily Income Factor 0.00000550
7 Day Simple Money Market Yield 0.1928%
Monthly Simple Money Market Yield 0.1993%
Net Assets (Amortized Cost) 2,828,524,232.08
Shadow Net Asset Value (Market Value) 1.00005
Daily Money Market Pool Historical Rates
West Virginia Government Money Market Pool
Daily Simple Money Market Yield 0.1870%
Daily Income Factor 0.00000512
7 Day Simple Money Market Yield 0.1625%
Monthly Simple Money Market Yield 0.1721%
Net Assets (Amortized Cost) 221,649,675.21
Shadow Net Asset Value (Market Value) 1.00005
Daily Government Money Market Pool Historical Rates

Monthly Rates

As of February 2019

West Virginia Money Market Pool
Average Simple Money Market Yield 0.2093%
Rolling 12 Month Simple Money Market Yield
Average Income Factor 0.00000573
Average Net Assets (Amortized Cost) 2,960,370,805.63
WAM (Reset) 44.66
WAM (Final) 56.17
Monthly Money Market Pool Historical Rates
West Virginia Government Money Market Pool
Average Simple Money Market Yield 0.1928%
Rolling 12 Month Simple Money Market Yield
Average Income Factor 0.00000528
Average Net Assets (Amortized Cost) 227,419,863.00
WAM (Reset) 39.04
WAM (Final) 94.44
Monthly Government Money Market Pool Historical Rates
West Virginia Short Term Bond Pool
Monthly Rate of Return 0.50%
Rolling 12 Month Rate of Return 3.60%
Net Assets (Market Value) 458,810,603.21
Share Price 101.66236
12 Month High Share Price 101.78193
12 Month Low Share Price 100.86072
Effective Duration (Days) 538
Short Term Bond Pool Historical Rates
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