Investment Pools
The Board of Treasury Investments offers state agencies and local governments the ability to invest funds with other pooled participants. Three investment pool options are available and detailed below.

West Virginia Money Market Pool
The West Virginia Money Market Pool is a money market portfolio created to invest the majority of the state and local government operating funds. The objective of the portfolio is to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the needs of the participants while striving to earn a return above inflation. The risk factor is low and managed through numerous maturity restrictions, diversification, guidelines, and credit limits. Contributions and withdrawals are allowed daily, and income is distributed on a daily basis.

West Virginia Government Money Market
The West Virginia Government Money Market is a money market portfolio created to invest monies in U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. Government Agency obligations. The objective of the portfolio is to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the needs of the participants while striving to earn a return above inflation. The risk factor is low and managed through maturity restrictions. Contributions and withdrawals are allowed daily, and income is distributed on a daily basis.

West Virginia Short-Term Bond Pool
The West Virginia Short Term Bond Pool is a bond mutual fund which was created to invest monies of participants which have a perceived longer term investment horizon. The goal of the portfolio is to earn incremental returns over the West Virginia Money Market Pool with an objective of capital growth rather than current income. The portfolio is restricted to monthly contributions and withdrawals and calculates a per-unit price each month. The risk factor of this portfolio is higher than the money market pools. Income is distributed on a monthly basis.
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