Message from the Treasurer

Welcome to the Board of Treasury Investments' website. The BTI has long been a showpiece of our Treasury operations, providing conservative investment opportunities to state agencies, local governments and other political entities across West Virginia. This site will provide easier access to the BTI’s services and a fuller understanding of the Board’s mission.

Liquidity of assets has always been an important feature of the BTI. A link on this site enables the entities we serve to keep track of accounts, schedule deposits and make withdrawals. Two of our money market pools are backed by Standard & Poor’s AAAm rating, the highest bestowed on such plans.

You will also notice posted current rates of return and a gateway to our online certificate of deposit auctions. Our online CD auctions have deposited more than $1 billion with state banks since their inception in 2006. I hope you will also take note of the qualifications of our professional investment team and the BTI’s long-term strategic plan.

As your State Treasurer, I am chairman of the BTI’s five-member board that also consists of the Governor, Auditor and two qualified appointees. We are proud of the work the BTI has and will accomplish as we responsibly invest the short-term assets of this great state.

In your service,

John D. Perdue
West Virginia State Treasurer
Board of Treasury Investments, Chairman

Copyright 2024 by WV Board of Treasury Investments