Board Committees

The Board has established committees of its members to implement the Investment Policy.  The Committees consist of the Audit, Investment, and Personnel and Governance Committees as described below:

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s primary objectives shall include:

  • Adopt and implement an Audit Charter for the BTI;
  • Provide oversight of the integrity of the financial statements;
  • Review the annual operating budget;
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Oversee the performance of the internal audit function; and
  • Assess the performance of the external auditors, provide recommendations to the Board to engage or dismiss them, and monitor their qualifications and independence.

Audit Committee

John B. McCuskey

Michael L. Glasser
Glenda Probst

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee’s primary objectives include:

  • Evaluation, selection, and termination of the Investment Managers and Investment Consultant;
  • Regular review and revisions to the Investment Policy;
  • Investigate any reported investment problems or non-compliance;
  • Evaluation of investment results to ensure compliance with the Investment Policy and to determine success of investment activities; and
  • Other investment related issues as necessary for the prudent and cost effective investment of the Consolidated Fund.

Investment Committee

Dave Hardy

Michael L. Glasser
John D. Perdue
John B. McCuskey

Personnel and Governance Committee

The Personnel and Governance Committee’s primary objectives include:

  • Recommending staffing levels for the BTI;
  • Assuring the professional qualifications, of the Board and Staff, are maintained by providing educational programs;
  • Keeping the Board informed of current best practices in corporate governance;
  • Developing, reviewing and updating governance practices of the Board;
  • Assisting the Board in evaluating governance principles and practices;
  • Overseeing management transition and succession planning; and
  • Overseeing Board strategic planning.

Personnel and Governance Committee

John D. Perdue

Dave Hardy
John B. McCuskey
Glenda Probst
Michael L. Glasser
Copyright 2024 by WV Board of Treasury Investments